Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff)

Added: 0a1,4

Aug 2005

The dust has been cleaned off POE::Component::BitTorrent! Rocco and I are working on it as much as we can. You can track our progress at [PoCo BitTorrent at thirdlobe.com] or browse the [PoCo BitTorrent source].

Aug 2005

The dust has been cleaned off POE::Component::BitTorrent! Rocco and I are working on it as much as we can. You can track our progress at [PoCo BitTorrent at thirdlobe.com] or browse the [PoCo BitTorrent source].

Jul 05 2005

Just a quick update. I don't really have time to work on all my projects. One or two of them get attention and the others collect dust until someone shows interest in them. Josh McAdams? (Who runs [PerlCast]) received a grant through [Google's Summer of Code]. I contacted him to see if he wants to use PoCo BitTorrent.

Dec 10 2004

Whoa, long time, and no update! I have some code that someone else wrote for bittorrent. I'll look at that and come up with a releasable version.

Jan 15 2004

I moved most of the code I had in a script to the actual component. I have a better understanding of the protocol now.

I'm working on the choke/unchoke/interested/uninterested part of the algorithm.

Oh, I've also registered poco-bittorrent on sourceforge. So any of you wanting to help me can look for it on sf soon.

There's some documenation on BitTorrent I've copied from the bitconjurer site, and modified heavily.

Jan 5 2004

I have a working module now.

I grabs the torrent file and connects to the peers.

Next up is transfering the peices of the file.


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