Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 3,9c3
I've cleaned it up and am working on PASV (passive) transfers first.

Feb 05 2004 12:42am

I have PASV transfers working! Time to sleep

Btw, its on CPAN now!
It's on CPAN!

Changed: 18c12

Jun 16 2004 12:57pm


Removed: 21,24d14


Filesys::Virtual requires IO::Scalar, add that to the requirements on next release.
I've picked up deus_x's project and I'm running with it.

It's on CPAN! [POE::Component::Server::FTP]


Heres some links to related sites.

[Limited lifetime network daemons]


I have AUTH-SSL and TLS working, but for some reason (unknown yet) data connections don't work correctly with SSL.


Using Microsoft Windows without a linux firewall is like wearing glass armor